In the 15 February 2021 programme of Terzet-Trio, chorus and orchestra members took viewers on a journey to 19th and 20th century music through works by Schubert, Beethoven and lesser-known composers. The performance was streamed from 8:00 p.m. on Facebook and Origo.hu.
In their selection, members of the Opera Chorus presented pieces for male and female choruses by two German-speaking composers who both died tragically young. The last master of the Viennese School and the first composer of the Romantic era was Franz Schubert (1797–1828), who is also known as the most prolific composer of Lieder. Out of his several hundred songs, Widerspruch, Wehmut, Lied eines Kriegers and Gondelfahrer were performed by Dániel Roska, Zsombor Haraszti, Norbert Aronescu and Péter Forgács, accompanied on the piano by Katalin Szirtes. The legacy of conductor, composer, pianist and organist Max Reger (1873–1916) is also a rich one, which followed classical and baroque compositional techniques. Drei Gesänge, Op. 111B was sung a cappella by Éva Dunai, Judit Dévényi, Eszter Forgó and Nóra Csádi.
Artists of the Opera Orchestra chose pieces by one of the greatest composers as well as two lesser-known artists. Brittany-born Jean Cras (1879–1932) was not only a musician but made a successful career as a naval officer as well. His compositions were inspired by his native Brittany and his sea voyages. The First and Second Movement of hi Quintet were performed by Zsuzsanna V. Menyhárt (flute), Júlia Szilvásy (harp), Károly Gál (violin), Attila Lukács (viola) and Endre Balog (cello). The Italian composer Ernesto Köhler (1849–1907) was regarded as the most excellent flutist of his time. He composed over a hundred pieces for his instrument. The First Movement of Grosses Kvartett, Op. 92 was played by flutists János Rácz, Márta Kunszeri, Kriszitna Molnár and Máté Bán. Ludwig van Beethoven (1770–1826) needs no introduction as he is the composer whose works are performed most frequently to this very day. The First Movement of an earlier work of his, String Quartet in C Minor, Op. 18, No. 4 was interpreted by Áron Dóczi (first violin), András Tallián (second violin), Veronika Botos (viola) and Anita Miskolczi (cello).
The performance can be viewed HERE.