He was born in Budapest in 1967. He studied set design at the set and costume design department of the Budapest College of Fine Arts from 1985 to 1990, where his masters were Péter Makai and Gábor Szinte. Before graduation he joined the Madách Theatre where he worked until 2004. Since then he has been a freelance artists. He regularly takes part at the joint exhibition of set designers, and was one of the designers of the Hungarian section of the Prague Quadriennale in 2003. Major designs: Bulgakov: The Master and Margareta (Szeged, 1997), Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night's Dream (Vígszínház, 1999), Dostoyevsky: The Brothers Karamazov (Vígszínház, 2000), Schaffer: Amadeus (Szolnok, 2000), Gorky: The Lower Depths (Pécs, 2001), Brecht: The Threepenny Opera (Örkény Theatre, 2004). His first work in the Hungarian State Opera House was the set design of Rossini's Cinderella in 1999.