Kornélia Mráz studied at the State Ballet Institute and graduated in Hedvig Hidas’s class in 1980. Immediately after the concert exam, she started working for the Opera. After a number of solo roles, she was awarded the title of solo dancer in 1997. She taught classical ballet at the Hungarian Dance Academy for four years and is currently teaching future generations as a Ballet Master at the Hungarian National Ballet Institute. Outside ofthe Opera, her choreographies are danced on the stages of cultural centres and various other events.
Main pieces in which she has danced: Gyermekdal (Children’s Song),Swan Lake (Little and Big Swans, Waltz Solo, Bride), TheNutcracker (Snowflake, Waltz Solo), SleepingBeauty(Fairy), Giselle (Villi Solo), Don Quixote(Two Friends), The Fountain of Bakhchisarai (Girl with Sword), A próba (TheTest) (The Pursued), Romeo and Juliet (Courtesan), Zorba (Courtesan). She has performed in one-act pieces by Balanchine, Dantzig, Kylián, Béjart, Hammadi, Harangozó, Fodor, László, and Seregi, and has been a guest performer on the stages of a number of foreign cities. Besides her master’s degree in ballet dancing, she also learned how to teach Pilates.
In recognition of her exceptional performance, she was awarded the Bronze Medal for of Merit of Hungary in 2018.