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1. Details identifying the body with public service functions

Official name: Magyar Állami Operaház (Hungarian State Opera)

Registered office: 1061 Budapest, Andrássy út 22.

Postal address: 1373 Budapest, Pf. 503.

Telephone and fax number: -

Electronic mail address:


Customer service contact information: Értékesítési Osztály (Sales Department) (

2. Organizational structure

Alapító okirat (Deed of Foundation in Hungarian)

Szervezeti ábra (Organisational chart in Hungarian)

Szervezeti és működési szabályzat (Organisational and Operational Rules in Hungarian)

3. Details of managers, contact

A közfeladatot ellátó szerv vezetőinek és az egyes szervezeti egységek vezetőinek neve, beosztása, elérhetősége (Names, titles and contact details of the directors and the heads of the organisational units of the body with public service functions in Hungarian)

4. Name of the head of customer relations, including contact information


5. Details of collegiate body

Relevant information is not arising in this disclosure unit.

6. Other body with public service functions under the control, supervision or oversight of, or subordinated to the Hungarian State Opera

Relevant information is not arising in this disclosure unit.

7. Economic operator in which the Hungarian State Opera has a majority ownership share or participation

Relevant information is not arising in this disclosure unit.

8. Public foundation established by the Hungarian State Opera

Relevant information is not arising in this disclosure unit.

9. Publicly-financed entity founded by the Hungarian State Opera

Relevant information is not arising in this disclosure unit.

10. Name of any publication founded by the Hungarian State Opera

Opera Magazin

Publisher: Magyar Állami Operaház

Address: 1061 Budapest, Andrássy út 22.


11. The superior authority of the Hungarian State Opera

Kulturális és Innovációs Minisztérium (Ministry of Culture and Innovation)

Address: 1054 Budapest, Szemere utca 6.

Postal address: 1884 Budapest, Pf. 1.


1. Legislation, public law instruments, internal regulations

Legislation governing the core activities:

Performing arts activities

Act XCIX of 2008 on funding and specific employment rules for performing arts organisations

Act CXXIV of 2019 on the National Cultural Council, on cultural strategy institutions and on the amendment of certain cultural-related laws

MKM Decree No. 35/1997 (XII. 5.) on the issue of the Theatre Arts Safety Regulations

NKÖM Decree No. 5/2003 (II. 20.) on the Master Artist of the Hungarian State Opera Award

Government Decree No. 428/2016 (XII. 15.) on the detailed rules for the support of performing arts organisations

Operations, management

Act CXCV of 2011 on Public Finances

Act CXCVI of 2011 on National Property

Act CXLIII of 2015 on Public Procurement

Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code

Act C of 2000 on Accounting

Act CXII of 2011 on the Right to Informational Self-Determination and Freedom of Information

Act XXV of 2023 on Complaints, Notifications of Public Interest and Rules on Reporting Abuses

Act LXXVI of 1999 on Copyright

Government Decree No. 370/2011 (XII. 31.) on the internal control system and internal audit of budgetary bodies

Government Decree No. 368/2011 (XII. 31.) on the implementation of the Public Finance Act

Government Decree No. 4/2013 (I. 11.) on Accounting for Public Finances

Government Decree No. 254/2007 (X. 4.) on the management of state property


Act I of 2012 on the Labour Code

Act CXXV of 2003 on Equal Treatment and the Promotion of Equal Opportunities

Act XXXII of 2020 on the Transformation of the Status of Public Servants in Cultural Institutions and the Amendment of Certain Cultural Acts

Government Decree No. 122/2011 (VII. 15.) on the detailed rules of certain artistic and performing arts jobs and the qualifications and other conditions required for their occupation

Government Resolution No. 1700/2012 (XII. 29.) on the pension policy principles applicable in the public sector

Institutional regulations

Szervezeti és működési szabályzat (Organisational and Operational Rules in Hungarian)

Data Protection Policy

Kiadmányozási, bélyegzőhasználati, másolatkészítési és elektronikus aláírási szabályzat (Rules on issuance, use of stamps, copying and electronic signatures in Hungarian)

2. In connection with bodies of nation-wide jurisdiction and Budapest and greater county government agencies, an information pamphlet on the duties and activities of the body with public service functions in Hungarian and English

Relevant information is not arising in this disclosure unit.

3. Voluntary tasks of municipal governments

Relevant information is not arising in this disclosure unit.

4. Data on the competent body for each type of case and procedure in state administrative, local government and other public authority cases

Relevant information is not arising in this disclosure unit.

5. Description and contents of public services provided by the Hungarian State Opera or financed from central budget


Ticket prices

6. Descriptive information on databases and registers maintained by the Hungarian State Opera

Adatbázisok (Databases in Hungarian)

7. Publications of the Hungarian State Opera


8. In respect of collegiate bodies, decision-making process

Relevant information is not arising in this disclosure unit.

9. Legislative proposals and related documents to be published by virtue of law

Relevant information is not arising in this disclosure unit.

10. Public announcements and statements made by the Hungarian State Opera

Change of Programme


11. Description of tenders published by the Hungarian State Opera, the outcome of such procedure and the reasons

Relevant information has not been raised in this disclosure unit.

12. Public findings of examinations and inspections carried out in connection with the core activity of the Hungarian State Opera

Relevant information has not been raised in this disclosure unit.

13. Procedure for handling requests for access to public information, name and contact information of the competent department, and the name of the person handling information rights

A közérdekű adatok megismerésére irányuló kérelmek intézésének, továbbá a kötelezően közzéteendő adatok nyilvánosságra hozatalának rendje (Procedures for handling requests for information of public interest and for the publication of data subject to mandatory disclosure in Hungarian)

Responsible department: Law Department

Contact: |

Person in charge of information rights: Dr. Béres Attila Chief Legal Counsel

14. Results of gathering statistical information relating to the activity of the Hungarian State Opera, showing changes over time thereof

Based on the Government Decree No. 388/2017 (XII. 13.) on the mandatory data services of the National Statistical Data Collection Programme:

1470 – Nemzetközi üzleti és szállítási szolgáltatások (negyedéves) (International business and transport services (quarterly))

2023. I. negyedév (2023 Q1)

2023. II. negyedév (2023 Q2)

2023. III. negyedév (2023 Q3)

2023. IV. negyedév (2023 Q4)

1799 – Jelentés a folyó környezetvédelmi ráfordításokról és a környezetvédelmi beruházásokról (éves) (Report on current environmental expenditure and investment (annual))

2022. év (Year 2022)

2023. év (Year 2023)

1965 – Jelentés a nem üzleti céllal üzemeltetett közösségi, szabadidős szálláshelyekről (éves) (Report on non-business community and leisure accommodation (annual))

2022. év (Year 2022)

2023. év (Year 2023)

2237 – Negyedéves beruházásstatisztikai jelentés (Quarterly Investment Statistics (quarterly))

2023. I. negyedév (2023 Q1)

2023. II. negyedév (2023 Q2)

2023. III. negyedév (2023 Q3)

2023. IV. negyedév (2023 Q4)

2571 – Jelentés a kulturális tevékenységekről (éves) (Report on cultural activities (annual))

Kulturális Statisztikai Adatgyűjtő Rendszer (összesítő adatok) (Cultural Statistics Data Collection System (aggregated data))

15. Information pertaining to a given body from mandatory data disclosure relating to public information

Relevant information has not been raised in this disclosure unit.

16. List of contracts for the use of public information to which the body with public service functions is a party

Relevant information has not been raised in this disclosure unit.

17. Standard contract conditions relating to the use of public information processed by the Hungarian State Opera

Relevant information has not been raised in this disclosure unit.

18. Special and ad hoc publication lists pertaining to the Hungarian State Opera

Data pursuant to Annex 6, point 12 of Government Decree No. 368/2011 (XII. 31.) on the implementation of the Public Finances Act

Amount, direct recipient and date of payment of the payment made as a result of the public procurement procedure under contracts concluded by the budgetary body belonging to the central subsystem of public finances and the head-managed appropriation, separate state fund with a net value of over HUF 100 million

19. List of publicly available cultural works processed by the body with public service functions and available for re-use under the Act on the Re-Use of Public Sector Information

Relevant information has not been raised in this disclosure unit.

20. Standard contract conditions relating to the re-use of public sector information and publicly available cultural works, under Row 19 in a format that can be edited electronically

Relevant information has not been raised in this disclosure unit.

21. Standard list of fees payable for access to public sector information and publicly available cultural works, under Row 19 for the purpose of re-use, showing also the factors based on which the fees are calculated

Relevant information has not been raised in this disclosure unit.

22. Information on remedies available under the Act on the Re-Use of Public Sector Information

Relevant information has not been raised in this disclosure unit.

23. List of parties to agreements concluded by the body with public service functions under the Act on the Re-Use of Public Sector Information for providing exclusive rights, indicating also the duration and the subject matter of such exclusive rights, and other material conditions

Relevant information has not been raised in this disclosure unit.

24. Text of the agreements concluded by the body with public service functions under the Act on the Re-Use of Public Sector Information for providing exclusive rights for digitization of publicly available cultural works

Relevant information has not been raised in this disclosure unit.

25. Any law or statutory provision, legal act for the governance of bodies governed by public law, or any binding instrument (or any reference for accessing such) provided for in the Act on the Re-Use of Public Sector Information, according to which the body with public service functions is liable to cover, from its own revenues, the majority of the costs of collecting, producing, processing and dissemination of public sector information that can be made available for the purpose of re-use

Relevant information has not been raised in this disclosure unit.

1. Annual (fiscal) budget of the Hungarian State Opera, annual accounts under the Accounting Act or the annual budget report

Annual (fiscal) budget

2015. évi elemi költségvetés (Elementary budget 2015 in Hungarian)

2016. évi elemi költségvetés (Elementary budget 2016 in Hungarian)

2017. évi elemi költségvetés (Elementary budget 2017 in Hungarian)

2018. évi elemi költségvetés (Elementary budget 2018 in Hungarian)

2019. évi elemi költségvetés I. (Elementary budget I. 2019 in Hungarian)

2019. évi elemi költségvetés II. (Elementary budget II. 2019 in Hungarian)

2020. évi elemi költségvetés I. (Elementary budget I. 2020 in Hungarian)

2020. évi elemi költségvetés II. (Elementary budget II. 2020 in Hungarian)

2021. évi elemi költségvetés (Elementary budget 2021 in Hungarian)

2022. évi elemi költségvetés (Elementary budget 2022 in Hungarian)

2023. évi elemi költségvetés (Elementary budget 2023 in Hungarian)

2024. évi elemi költségvetés (Elementary budget 2024 in Hungarian)

Annual budget report

2013. évi költségvetési beszámoló (Budget report for 2013 in Hungarian)

2014. évi költségvetési beszámoló (Budget report for 2014 in Hungarian)

2015. évi költségvetési beszámoló (Budget report for 2015 in Hungarian)

2016. évi költségvetési beszámoló (Budget report for 2016 in Hungarian)

2017. évi költségvetési beszámoló (Budget report for 2017 in Hungarian)

2018. évi költségvetési beszámoló (Budget report for 2018 in Hungarian)

2019. évi költségvetési beszámoló (Budget report for 2019 in Hungarian)

2020. évi költségvetési beszámoló (Budget report for 2020 in Hungarian)

2021. évi költségvetési beszámoló (Budget report for 2021 in Hungarian)

2022. évi költségvetési beszámoló (Budget report for 2022 in Hungarian)

2023. évi költségvetési beszámoló (Budget report for 2023 in Hungarian - in preparation)

2. Aggregated data on staff numbers and personal benefits

2023 (in Hungarian)

3. Central budget subsidies granted by the Hungarian State Opera

Relevant information has not been raised in this disclosure unit.

4. Information on the management of public finance assets (contracts with a value of HUF 5 million or more)

Pursuant to paragraph (4a) of Article 37 of Act CXII of 2011 on the Right to Informational Self-Determination and Freedom of Information, the Hungarian State Opera House shall publish the data generated in this publication unit in the Central Public Information Data Register from 20 June 2023.

Szerződések (2019.03.01. - 2023.06.20.) (Contracts of 2019.03.01-2023.06.20.)

5. Information made public according to the Act on Concessions

Relevant information has not been raised in this disclosure unit.

6. Payments for non-core activities exceeding HUF 5 million

Relevant information has not been raised in this disclosure unit.

7. Description of developments implemented with financial aid from European Union resources, including the related contracts

Relevant information has not been raised in this disclosure unit.

8. Public procurement information (annual plan, summary of the evaluation of tenders, contracts awarded)

Public procurement information is available at (In the search windows, please indicate the "Magyar Állami Operaház" as the contracting authority or contractor.)